Prepare Together
Active Hypnobirthing
Are you feeling anxious or overwhelmed about your birth?
The combination of empowering antenatal education, hypnobirth and active birth techniques, and guided relaxations to help resolve any underlying fears will leave you feeling much calmer about your birth.
Do you want to involve your partner in birth preparation?
This course is all about preparing you to be the best birth team you can be. You will gain knowledge and confidence about your body's ability to birth your baby. Partners will learn how to best support you in labour.
Do you want to have support up until your birth?
Sometimes things change in your pregnancy and your birth plan is impacted. I offer a pre-birth support call as part of this package if you have questions or need reminders about what we've covered, or if you have a decision to make.
Feel calm and confident about your birth...
This comprehensive course has everything you need to prepare for a positive birth:
- It will support and prepare you regardless of where or how you give birth.
- It will enable you to be calm and relaxed, to breathe and even 'enjoy' your birth.
- It will help you through the intensity of each stage and give you the confidence to make decisions.
Hypnobirthing doesn't promise you a 'perfect' birth but it definitely stacks the odds in your favour of having the birth you would like.
Even when the journey to birth changes, hypnobirthing can support you to stay calm, and still go on to have a positive experience.
The tools and techniques you learn will support you through birth and into parenthood.
Course Outline
Each session builds to form a complete picture of the birth process, and gives you and your partner tools/techniques to manage every stage with confidence.
Sessions are also supported by a comprehensive handbook, and guided hypno birth relaxations help to embed calm and positive feelings about birth into your subconscious.
Week 1. Building your mindset for a calm and positive birth
Week 2. Working with the power of your birthing body
Week 3. Releasing fears and planning for your positive birth
Week 4. Making confident choices if the path to birth changes
Private Courses
I offer private 1:1 classes at dates and times to suit you (evenings and weekends are possible) either via Zoom or in your own home, depending on location. Please contact me for a no obligation chat and to check availability.
Private 1:1 Course - times to suit you
In depth (10 hour) private course that will give you everything you need to prepare for a calm and confident birth
- Support and education fully tailored to your needs
- Antenatal education (understand the birth process and any interventions)
- Hypnobirth breathing and mindset
- Active birth movement and positions
- Birth partner massage and rebozo demonstration
- Guided relaxation
- Opportunity to ask questions up until birth
- Pre birth support call
- Hypnobirth handbook
- 6 x MP3 guided relaxations for pregnancy/birth
Please click below to pay in full OR pay 25% (£90) to secure your place on the course. Cost is for 2 people.
Book Private CourseWhat people say about my classes...

“Ali is amazingly supportive and genuinely caring about the Mamas she's teaching! This is my second pregnancy attending her birthing classes and this time they have been online because of lock down. I can honestly say that I do not feel like I have missed out at all. She's gone out of her way to provide the info and support we have needed as a group and to ensure we feel connected with it being virtual rather than face to face, often over and above what we've paid for or expected. I cannot rate her highly enough.”

Jenny C
“My husband and I attended Ali’s active birthing workshop when pregnant with our second baby after our first son was stillborn. We were understandably apprehensive about the class but when I contacted Ali she was incredibly caring and understanding. The course content is invaluable. Ali is so knowledgable and the course gave us the skills and confidence to feel calm and in control about labour, and to have the positive birth experience we wanted.”

Jenny M
“I attended Ali's classes during my pregnancy and my partner and I attended the couples course. I found the women only class very useful and it was great to take time out for myself and had the chance to meet lots of other lovely mums to be as well. The classes gave me the knowledge and confidence to approach the birth of my little girl calmly. My partner also found the couples class extremely useful and he understood how he could help me during my labour. I certainly believe that attending classes with Ali was a key element to my natural, drug free birth.”

About me
I'm Ali (Good Enough Mama). I've been running active birth and hypnobirth antenatal classes and workshops for the past 8 years. I originally trained with The Daisy Foundation, and I now offer hypnobirthing programmes with The Little Birth Company.
As well as my passion for helping you to have a more positive birth experience, I am a qualified counsellor and mindfulness teacher.
This means I can be there to truly support every step of your journey through parenthood, from reducing fear and anxiety about birth, to helping you in the early days (potentially dealing with PND or birth trauma), and beyond, with all the joys and challenges that come with having a baby.